Friday, July 31, 2009

Zucchini Bread....Yum!

This is the first year that we planted a small vegetable garden. I didn't realize how big a zucchini plant could grow. We have harvested our first few zucchinis, and today, Clara and I made yummy zucchini bread!
Little did my dear husband know that I made it with whole wheat flour! I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but it was great. I hope it freezes well.

The Shack...

If any of you have not read "The Shack", you must! It is a very thought provoking book, and will leave you journeying with God in a much more intimate way. I loved reading this book, and I drove my husband crazy talking about it. It has been a few months since I read it. I think I am ready to read it again. If any of you have read it, I'd love to hear what you thought about it!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lazy Sunday afternoon

Today we had quite the downpour during church! Luckily, it had subsided so we could leave and not get soaked. My sweet hubby is coming down with a nasty cold, so he spent the morning at the doctor's office. Despite feeling yucky he brought me flowers today! That was a really nice treat.

So, we will all be relaxing today. The girls actually ate lunch very well. I might venture out to IKEA to get a shelf for our "library".

We are working on our memory verse for the month: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart....."-Proverbs 3:5. I need to recite this daily, and try not to worry about every little thing. Trusting God with EVERY aspect of my life is hard for me. It definitely is a constant struggle, but I am going to try extra hard to hand it all over to Him!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My first post.....

Well, here it goes! I have had the privilege of following a few blogs that have been very inspiring to me. It occurred to me that perhaps I should start my own blog. This first one will be short and sweet, as my 4 year old is building a fort that I will need to assist with.

I am hopeful that this blog will help me to connect with friends and family that are near in heart, but far in distance. I love scrapbooking, so this will be yet another way to document thoughts and moments in life for my children. Finally, I'd really like to connect with other Christian women.

It is a lazy, rainy day; we mustered up enough motivation to visit a cool dog food store and the local library. We will be working on our own "library" soon!
